Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Haha...So I suck at this

I am really wishy-washy. I have yet to complete the couch to 5K . I made it to week 2, but that seems to be my cut off point.

Spring is back and right now I can't run. I'm doing good to walk. I sprained my ankle about a month ago and I still can't move my ankle in all directions. I guess I should have gone to the doctor after all, but I didn't so I am in the process of trying to get it functioning.

First step, start walking daily. This is difficult b/c I feel obligated to take the dog with me when I go for a walk b/c he stays cooped up in the house so much. He needs the exercise but he makes the whole process so much more difficult. Plus he jerks so much I'm afraid he will make me twist my ankle again. Today was day 1 of this and it went well. My ankle didn't start hurting until the last leg of the walk. YAY! I felt so motivated I did a few exercises on my Wii Fit as well.

Goal- be at 140 by first of June

Action Plan:
  • Daily walks (30 min)
  • Wii Fit (10-30 mins) as often as possible
  • Watch my caloric intake
  • Take my metformin 3x a day like I am suppose to do (I almost always miss a dose b/c I don't eat 3 meals)
I think if I follow the plan and add more exercise as my ankle heals up I should be able to lose 10lbs in a month and half.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Joining a website

So today I joined myfitnesspal.com, because I've been stuck on this plateau since about october where I can't break through 150 lbs. I seem to fluctuate from 150-155. So I'm going to start counting calories again and see if I can lose this last 20lbs. My friend Bekah uses this website and had good things to say about so I am going to try it out.

Also due to some leg pain I am taking a short break from running. This is the same place that started hurting in the summer that made it impossible to run for a month and I put all that weight back on. So erring on the side of caution I am avoiding in strenuous lower body exercises until I can walk without it aching. Still working out on the Wii even if its only 30 minutes and not high calorie burning.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Finished Week 1 C25K

I finished week 1 out, but with the traveling and house guests couldn't get started on week two. I've kept moving though by using my Wii Fit Plus even done some of the longer distance runs to keep myself in the grove. I'm a little discouraged because I keep putting on weight despite the fact that I am exercising everyday. Going to have to start counting calories I guess. The exercise is just not enough.

Tomorrow is the first day of week 2 for me. The highs for the week are in the mid to low 30's all week. May have to go invest in those cold weather compression shirts sooner than I had planned. Thursday and Friday are expecting some snow accumulation so we'll see if I can stick with it.

New Year's Resolution 2010: Stick with the exercising, lose the fat sitting on my midsection that makes me feel like a jello cow.