Sunday, January 3, 2010

Finished Week 1 C25K

I finished week 1 out, but with the traveling and house guests couldn't get started on week two. I've kept moving though by using my Wii Fit Plus even done some of the longer distance runs to keep myself in the grove. I'm a little discouraged because I keep putting on weight despite the fact that I am exercising everyday. Going to have to start counting calories I guess. The exercise is just not enough.

Tomorrow is the first day of week 2 for me. The highs for the week are in the mid to low 30's all week. May have to go invest in those cold weather compression shirts sooner than I had planned. Thursday and Friday are expecting some snow accumulation so we'll see if I can stick with it.

New Year's Resolution 2010: Stick with the exercising, lose the fat sitting on my midsection that makes me feel like a jello cow.

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